
Solana's Intent-Based Suite

Toxic-MEV Minimization at the Application Layer

We are gamifying decentralized finance so...

You can become multidimensional like the cool kids.

You can show your skills in a PvP arena.

You can protect the future of finance.

You can brag that you are a real quant.

You can enjoy "reality" a little more.

You can make a bag while playin'.

You can chill with under-top-underdogs.

You can have In-N-Out instead of Subway for a change.

You can become your own boss.

You can call yourself a neo-cypherpunk.

What are we building?

  • Urani Swap

    The front interface and SDK facilitating the submission of order intents for consumption by the Urani Protocol, supporting usage by both users and other protocols.

  • Urani Protocol

    A novel orderbook conducting the batch competitions among MEV agents for the largest surplus, efficiency, and ingenuity. The protocol provides various strategies to ensure operators from all backgrounds have opportunities to succeed, promoting accessibility and meritocracy.

  • Urani Arena

    A real-time visual infrastructure for player-versus-player orderflow auction competition and peer-to-peer order matches, designed to commoditize MEV agents and engage their fans.

  • MEV Agents and Research

    Plug-and-play algorithms for the Urani Protocol, allowing operators to integrate their preferred private strategies and start playing MEV e-games right away. Advanced strategies and AI-centric agents are continuously researched and developed in our labs. Additionally, we have in-house agents for gauging and fallback mechanisms.


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